Category: Press release

  • Norway takes another step into the newspace age

    Less than one year after the opening of the Norwegian spaceport at Andøya, Andøya Spaceport has reached yet another important milestone towards the first launch of satellites from Norwegian soil.

    Photo: Andøya Spaceport & Isar Aerospace

    On Thursday 22nd of August, Andøya Spaceport received its Launch Site Operator license from the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries. Norway is thus taking another important step into the newspace age and consolidating Norway’s position as the leading space nation in the Arctic.

    With this license, Andøya Spaceport located on the island of Andøya in Nordland has formally become a Launch Site Operator, with the overall responsibility for developing, operating and ensuring safe operations from the newly developed spaceport. The license allows the spaceport to operate the launch site for launch vehicles that places satellites into orbit from Norwegian soil.

    There is a huge team effort behind the work to get this license in place. Ever since 2018, our team has been building the foundation that now enables launch of satellites from Norwegian soil. The Collaboration with Isar Aerospace, authorities and stakeholder groups has been key. Building a spaceport from scratch has required patience, creativity and perseverance, and has demanded varied expertise from many different industries.

    Lasse Berg, Interim President, Andøya Spaceport

    Photo: Andøya Spaceport

    Norway as a space nation and safe steward of spaceport concepts for Europe

    The fact that Andøya Spaceport has now received permission to conduct operations have major strategic implications for Norway and our partners and marks the start of Norway’s newspace age. The space industry is not only a critical factor in handling national and international functions, but also a catalyst for innovation and economic growth as it opens the doors to an entirely new ecosystem. With Andøya Spaceport as an operational spaceport, Norway can now play an active role in the global space industry by offering sovereign, reliable and fast access to space from Norwegian soil. This is an important step in positioning Norway as a key actor for space infrastructure, and it emphasizes national ambitions to become a key space nation in Europe.

    Europe’s new highway to space is passing through Norway

    Andøya Spaceport is strategically and geographically located to launch small satellites of up to 1.5 tons into polar and sun-synchronous orbits. The spaceport has good logistical conditions with Andøya Airport and deep water port availability, as well as road connections to Europe. With this new “highway” to space, Norway enables rocket launch companies to offer reliable and independent access to space, which is crucial at a time when the space industry is becoming increasingly commercialized and important for national and allied security.

    “We are very pleased with the permit and that the Norwegian authorities in this way give the spaceport the opportunity to enter an extended operational phase. For us, this means that we are now extra focused on the overall responsibility we have as a spaceport operator to ensure the safety of all actors involved, not least the local community. In addition to being Europe’s most efficient and attractive spaceport, we also aim to be the safest!”

    Jon Harr, Operations Director, Andøya Spaceport

    Photo: Andøya Spaceport

    First customer to launch from Andøya Spaceport is Isar Aerospace

    The European space company Isar Aerospace is Andøya Spaceport’s first customer. The company has established itself as a technological leader, having developed proprietary know-how through full vertical integration as well as owning design, production, and testing operations entirely in-house. The company has a dedicated launch pad at the spaceport and it is Isar Aerospace’s in-house developed launch vehicle Spectrum, that soon will be launched from Andøya Spaceport. Currently, the company is working towards Spectrum’s first test flight. The first and second stage of Spectrum will soon undergo stage testing, a series of hotfire tests which will verify that the systems meet all necessary requirements for flight.

    “We congratulate Andøya Spaceport on receiving the Launch site operator license. This milestone enables our team at Isar Aerospace to continue with our ambitious plan and soon start with the final stage tests ahead of Spectrum’s first test flight. Together with Andøya Spaceport, our team has created an excellent piece of engineering, the first orbital launch site in continental Europe. We can’t wait for Spectrum to begin operations.”

    Alexandre Dalloneau, Vice President of Mission and Launch Operations, Isar Aerospace

    Point of contact:

    Lasse Berg, Interim president, Andøya Spaceport
    Phone: +47 40295943

    Betine Bjørdal, Marketing & communications advisor, Andøya Spaceport
    Phone: +47 47636879

    About Andøya Spaceport AS:

    • A wholly owned subsidiary of Andøya Space AS.
    • Founded in 2018.
    • Located in Andøya, Nordland.
    • Launch facility for satellite launch vehicles with payloads up to 1,500 kg to low Earth orbit.
    • Started construction of the first launch pad in March 2022. Completed the first stage of construction in October 2023 and the spaceport was officially opened by H.R.H. The Crown Prince on November 2, 2023.

    Want to read more?

  • Andøya Spaceport officially opened

    Andøya Spaceport, future launch site of Isar Aerospace, was officially opened by H.R.H. Crown Prince Haakon of Norway on Thursday November 2nd, 2023. 

    • Andøya Spaceport to become the first operational orbital spaceport in continental Europe to finalize the construction of the launch site.
    • This is the beginning of many satellite launches from European commercial space company Isar Aerospace from European soil.
    • The opening of the spaceport marks a crucial milestone on Isar Aerospace’s path to the first test flight.

    Andøya, Norway 02 November 2023 – Today, the launch site operator Andøya Spaceport celebrated the opening of the first operational spaceport in continental Europe, which will become the first launch site of the European launch service company Isar Aerospace. The spaceport is located at Nordmela on the Norwegian island of Andøya and is in the final stages towards operating capability. In an official ceremony, H.R.H. Crown Prince Haakon inaugurated the spaceport, an event which also marks a crucial milestone on Isar Aerospace’s path to its first test flight.

    Fully constructed, the spaceport will host several launch pads. Isar Aerospace has exclusive access to the first launch site, which was built to Isar’s specifications, including a launch pad, payload integration facilities as well as a mission control center. This set-up guarantees greatest flexibility and planning security for Isar Aerospace and its clients in bringing small- and medium-sized satellites to space. The launch site will support the two-stage launch vehicle Spectrum, which is set to carry out final stage testing.

    Daniel Metzler, CEO and Co-Founder of Isar Aerospace said: “Today, Norway, the Andøya region and Isar Aerospace take a big step towards space. Over the last five years, we have built a rocket that will help to solve the most crucial bottleneck in the European space industry – sovereign and competitive access to space. Together with Andøya Spaceport, our team has created an excellent piece of engineering, the first orbital launch site in continental Europe which will bring this access to space to Norway, and back to Europe. For Isar Aerospace, this step equals entering the final stages of our path to first flight. For Europe, it means being able to harness the power of the space platform.”

    Andøya Spaceport to become first operational orbital spaceport in Europe

    Andøya Space has a long history in providing infrastructure for suborbital launches. Since 1962, around 1,200 launches of sounding rockets and long duration balloons have taken place at Andøya. With Isar Aerospace to perform Spectrum’s first test flight, Andøya Spaceport will become the first operational orbital spaceport in continental Europa. Given its location far north at a coastline, Andøya Spaceport can offer launches to highly retrograde orbit inclinations. These are favorable for sun synchronous as well as polar orbits which the market has a strong demand for as launch sites for these orbits are limited globally. Andøya Spaceport is a fully-owned subsidiary of Andøya Space.

    The satellite industry is not only a critical factor in addressing national and international challenges but also a catalyst for innovation and economic growth. With a spaceport, Norway becomes one of the very few countries capable of launching satellites from its own territory. This opens the door for an entire new ecosystem of stakeholders, generating more job opportunities and fostering innovative thinking.

    Ingun Berget, President of Andøya Spaceport said: “The opening of the spaceport on Andøya island marks an important milestone for Norway, European New Space industry and our partnership with Isar
    Aerospace: This enables us to have the first satellite launches ever from European soil to take place from Andøya. The attendance of today’s opening by Crown Prince Haakon underlines the importance of our endeavor and puts us on the New Space map in Europe.”

    Isar Aerospace well on track towards the first test flight

    Isar Aerospace is in the final stages of preparation towards its first test flight of Spectrum: After having completed the system designs of its launch vehicle Spectrum, it currently is in the production phase of all parts of the rocket, including the flight engines. The rocket stages will then have to undergo acceptance testing, a series of tests that will verify that the systems meet all necessary requirements for flight.

    Isar Aerospace will offer the first fully privately funded European launch solution to meet the growing demand for transporting small and medium-sized satellites into space. The founder-led company carries out almost the entire value creation in-house, including proprietary propulsion systems, avionics, software and structures. The Spectrum rocket will also have an entirely new propellant set, which will reduce emissions substantially compared to classical rockets. With a pragmatic engineering approach, highly automated in-house manufacturing and a simple design, Isar Aerospace will reduce the costs of each rocket launch drastically. By providing the first competitive launch solution in and out of Europe, Isar Aerospace will be a crucial player in Europe’s vital space push in the years to come.

    About Andøya Spaceport

    Andøya Spaceport is a fully owned subsidiary of Andøya Space, which have over sixty years of experience in the space industry. Andøya Spaceport is focusing on providing launch sites and related services for companies who wish to launch small to medium satellites into polar and sun-synchronous orbits. Andøya Spaceport operates a complete toolbox, including tracking radar, telemetry, and ground-based flight termination systems. The location at Andøya is ideal with easy logistics and direct orbit insertion. More information at:

    Press contact Andøya Spaceport
    Trond Abrahamsen
    M +47 907 43 911

    About Isar Aerospace

    Isar Aerospace, based in Ottobrunn/Munich, develops and builds launch vehicles for transporting small and medium-sized satellites as well as satellite constellations into Earth’s orbit. The company was founded in 2018 as a spin-off of Technical University Munich. Since then, it has grown to more than 300 employees from more than 40 nations with many years of hands-on rocket know-how and experience within other high-tech industries. More information via:

    Press contact Isar Aerospace
    Tina Schmitt
    M +49-170-8584834

    Press photos

    Press kit of the event can be found here incl. photo and video footage.

  • Andøya Spaceport åpnet

    Andøya Spaceport, det fremtidige oppskytningsstedet for Isar Aerospace, ble torsdag 2. november åpnet i en offisiell seremoni med H.K.H. Kronprins Haakon til stede.

    • Andøya Spaceport er den første operative romhavnen for satellitter på det kontinentale Europa.
    • Dette er begynnelsen på mange satellittoppskytinger fra det europeiske kommersielle romselskapet Isar Aerospace fra europeisk jord.
    • ­Åpningen av romhavnen er en stor milepæl på Isar Aerospace sin vei mot første testoppskyting.

    Andøya, Norge 2. november 2023 – I dag feiret Andøya Spaceport åpningen av den første operative romhavnen på det kontinentale Europa. Dette vil bli det første oppskytningsstedet til den europeiske rakettprodusenten Isar Aerospace. Romhavnen ligger ved Nordmela på Andøya, og er snart klar til å kunne gjennomføre de første oppskytningene. I en offisiell seremoni åpnet H.K.H Kronprins Haakon torsdag romhavnen, en seremoni som også er en stor milepæl for Isar Aerospace på sin vei mot den første testoppskytingen.

    I dag står den første av flere planlagte oppskytningsramper klar ved Nordmela. Isar Aerospace har eksklusiv tilgang på den første oppskytningsrampen – som er bygget etter Isar Aerospace sine spesifikasjoner – samt monteringshall og et midlertidig kontrollsenter. Dette oppsettet garanterer stor fleksibilitet og planleggingssikkerhet for Isar Aerospace og dets kunder når det gjelder å løfte små og mellomstore satellitter ut i verdensrommet. Oppskytningsstedet er tilpasset deres to-trinns bærerakett Spectrum, som nå skal i gang med siste runde med testing.

    Daniel Metzler, administrerende direktør hos – og en av grunnleggerne av – Isar Aerospace sa: «I dag tar Norge, Andøya-regionen og Isar Aerospace et stort skritt mot verdensrommet. I løpet av de siste fem årene har vi bygget en rakett som vil bidra til å løse en flaskehals i europeisk romindustri, nemlig suveren og konkurransedyktig tilgang til verdensrommet. Sammen med Andøya Spaceport har teamet vårt utført et utmerket stykke ingeniørarbeid, nemlig det første oppskytningsstedet for satellitter på det kontinentale Europa. Det vil gi tilgang til verdensrommet fra Norge, og tilbake til Europa. For Isar Aerospace innebærer åpningen at vi nå nærmer oss første testflygning med stormskritt. For Europa betyr det at vi snart kan utnytte kraften til romplattformen fullt ut.»

    Andøya Spaceport blir den første operative romhavnen for satellitter på det kontinentale Europa

    Andøya Space har en lang historie med å tilby infrastruktur for oppskyting av forskningsraketter. Siden 1962 har det blitt skutt opp rundt 1 200 sonderaketter og ballonger fra Andøya. Andøya Spaceport ligger an til å bli den første operative romhavnen for satellitter i Europa når Isar Aerospace gjennomfører sin første oppskytning med bæreraketten Spectrum. Beliggenheten ved kysten langt mot nord gjør at Andøya Spaceport kan tilby oppskytinger av satellitter til svært gunstige baner. Herfra kan satellitteierne nå solsynkrone- og polare baner, noe det er stor etterspørsel etter i markedet. Andøya Spaceport er et heleid datterselskap av Andøya Space.

    Satellittindustrien er ikke bare en viktig faktor i møte med nasjonale og internasjonale utfordringer, men også en katalysator for innovasjon og økonomisk vekst. Med romhavnen på Andøya blir Norge et av svært få land i verden som er i stand til å skyte opp satellitter fra eget territorium. Dette åpner døren for et helt nytt økosystem av interessenter, det vil skape jobbmuligheter og fremme innovativ tenkning.

    Ingun Berget, president for Andøya Spaceport sa: «Åpningen av romhavnen på Andøya markerer en viktig milepæl for Norge, den europeiske nye romfartsindustrien og vårt partnerskap med Isar
    Aerospace: Dette setter oss på Andøya i stand til å gjennomføre de første satellittoppskytningene noensinne fra europeisk jord. Kronprins Haakons deltagelse på dagens åpning understreker viktigheten av innsatsen vår, og setter oss på New Space-kartet i Europa.»

    Isar Aerospace godt i rute mot den første testflyvningen

    Isar Aerospace er i sluttfasen av forberedelsene til sin første testflyging av bæreraketten Spectrum: Etter å ha fullført designet av systemene, er de for tiden i gang med produksjonen av alle delene til raketten, inkludert rakettmotorene. Raketttrinnene må gjennomgå akseptansetesting, som er en serie tester for å verifisere at de oppfyller alle nødvendige krav for flyging.

    Isar Aerospace vil tilby den første fullt privatfinansierte europeiske oppskytningsløsningen for å møte den økende etterspørselen etter transport av små og mellomstore satellitter ut til verdensrommet. Selskapet utfører nesten hele verdiskapingen internt, inkludert proprietære fremdriftssystemer, elektronikk, programvare og strukturer. Spectrum-raketten vil også ta i bruk helt ny drivstoffsammensetning, noe som vil redusere utslippene betydelig sammenlignet med klassiske raketter. Med en pragmatisk ingeniørtilnærming, høyautomatisert egenproduksjon og et enkelt design, vil Isar Aerospace redusere kostnadene forbundet med en rakettoppskyting dramatisk. Ved å tilby den første konkurransedyktige oppskytingsløsningen for satellitter inn og ut av Europa, vil Isar Aerospace være en avgjørende aktør i Europas romfremstøt i årene som kommer.

    Om Andøya Spaceport
    Andøya Spaceport er et heleid datterselskap av Andøya Space, som har mer enn seksti års erfaring fra romfartsindustrien. Andøya Spaceport tilbyr oppskytningsfasiliteter og relaterte tjenester til bedrifter som ønsker å sende opp små til mellomstore satellitter til polare og solsynkrone baner. Andøya Spaceport har en komplett verktøykasse, inkludert radar- og telemetrisystemer. Beliggenheten på Andøya er ideell, med enkel logistikk og direkte tilgang til polare og solsynkrone baner. Mer informasjon:

    Pressekontakt Andøya Spaceport
    Trond Abrahamsen
    Mobil: +47 907 43 911

    Om Isar Aerospace
    Isar Aerospace, basert i Ottobrunn/München, utvikler og bygger bæreraketter for transport av små og mellomstore satellitter samt satellittkonstellasjoner ut i bane rundt jorden. Selskapet ble grunnlagt i 2018 som en spin-off av Technical University München. Siden den gang har det vokst til over 300 ansatte fra mer enn 40 nasjoner, med mange års praktisk rakettkunnskap og erfaring innen andre høyteknologiske industrier. Mer informasjon:

    Pressekontakt Isar Aerospace
    Tina Schmitt
    Mobil: +49-170-8584834


    Flere pressefoto og video fra åpningen finner du i mediebanken.

  • Andøya Spaceport expands to the US

    Vincent Ciccarelli has been hired as Andøya Spaceport’s Commercial Director of North America and Asia. His main task will be to make sure that launch operators outside of Europe recognize the opportunities Andøya has to offer. 

    First US-based employee 
    Until now, Andøya Spaceport has mainly focused on the European market for the spaceport that is currently under construction in Northern Norway. That has changed with Ciccarelli joining as the first US-based employee of Andøya Spaceport. 

    Important markets 

    – Establishing a US presence holds great significance for Andøya Spaceport, says President Ingun Berget. We’ve already had a lot of exchange for several years with existing stakeholders and potential partners in the US, and this strategic move is in line with our long-term ambitions. It will allow us to connect more closely with important markets and reflects our dedication to serving customers worldwide. With our location, we believe that Andøya Spaceport is the obvious choice for access to polar and sun-synchronous orbits for both regular commercial operations as for responsive launches. 

    – It is important to be in the United States, closer to the launch operators so that we can build long-term trusting relationships with our new customer base, Ciccarelli says.  

    – Andøya is an obvious choice for European launch operators, but it is also a strategic location for US and Asian based launch operators seeking to grow their European customer market. The launch capacity within the states is quickly filling up, and alternatives are less attractive when compared to Andøya’s offerings. Andøya provides direct access to polar / sun-synchronized orbits, has a more appealing climate than assumed, and above all else: Easy logistics: both through Andøya Airport, two seaports and easily accessed by road from mainland Europe. The air and sea traffic in the north are also relatively low compared to most other places, and with no need for land overflight avoidance, my job will be to make sure the US and Asian launch operators realize this potential, and begin to launch from Andøya. 

    The spaceport at Andøya will be the new European entrance to orbit. Photo of Pad A.

    Ciccarelli holds a bachelor’s degree in ​​​supply chain management from Michigan State University, and an MBA from the University of Washington.  

    Prior to his entry into NewSpace he carries ten years of aerospace procurement and strategy at Boeing and 6 years of program management at Amazon. 

    Over the past year he has been working with the major launch providers as the Director of Mission Procurement for Spaceflight Inc., which was recently acquired by Firefly Aerospace. 

    – Knowing the industry well, I wanted to get closer to the launches, he explains. – What better way is there than to be at the actual launch site! So next stop is Andøya Spaceport. 

    Currently in the US, Ciccarelli will spend a good amount of time in Norway over the next year to better understand the company, culture and the spaceport enabling him to build lasting relations with the new customer base. 

    About Andøya Spaceport 

    Andøya Spaceport is a fully owned subsidiary of Andøya Space, which have over sixty years of experience in the space industry. Andøya Spaceport is focusing on providing a launch site and related services for companies who wish to launch small to medium satellites into polar and sun-synchronous orbits. Andøya Spaceport operates a complete toolbox, including tracking radar, telemetry, and ground-based flight termination systems. The location on Andøya is ideal since the launch vehicles can reach orbit without crossing the borders of other countries and as such providing unrestricted direct trajectories. Andøya Spaceport is finalizing the Initial Operating Capability in August 2023 with the completion of the construction of launch pad A, which is dedicated for Isar Aerospace.

  • Bevilgning til Norwegian Space Academy

    Onsdag 7. juni gikk startskuddet for arbeidet med å etablere et universitetssamarbeid knyttet til den norske romhavnen som bygges av Andøya Space. Det skal skje gjennom et treårig prosjekt med navnet «Norwegian Space Academy», der målet i samarbeid med akademia og romnæringen er å etablere et attraktivt og komplementært tilbud for universiteter i Norge og Europa i framtiden

    Stortinget har i en egen merknad til Regjeringen pekt på viktigheten av å tilrettelegge for utvikling av spennende undervisningsprogrammer for universitetssektoren knyttet til den norske romhavnen som nå bygges på Andøya. Dette som et viktig bidrag for å sikre framtidige medarbeidere innen romvirksomhet som norsk industri har behov for.

    Dette er blant annet bakgrunnen for initiativet til et treårig hovedprosjekt for å etablere et universitetssamarbeid knyttet til Andøya Space, «Norwegian Space Academy». Kostnadene for det treårige hovedprosjektet er på 6 millioner kroner.

    Under et besøk på Andøya Space i dag, onsdag 7. juni, kunngjorde fylkesrådsleder Elin Dahlseng Eide at fylkesrådet i Nordland bevilger 2,9 millioner kroner til prosjektet. Fra før har Andøy kommune gjennom omstillingsorganisasjonen SAMSKAP gjort tilsvarende bevilgning, samt at Kunnskapsdepartementet bidrar med 200 000 kroner til dette arbeidet.

    – Dette er svært gode nyheter og betyr at vi nå i samarbeid med akademia og romnæringen kan starte arbeidet med å etablere et spennende universitetssamarbeid knyttet til romhavnen, sier Anne Margrethe Horsrud, daglig leder i Andøya Space Education.

    – Målet er at «Norwegian Space Academy» skal være et attraktivt og komplementært tilbud for universiteter i Norge og Europa i framtiden, avslutter Jøran Grande, prosjektleder i Andøya Space Education.

    Fylkesrådsleder Elin Dahlseng Eide og prosjektleder ved Andøya Space Jøran Grande

    Om Andøya Space Education

    Andøya Space Education er et datterselskap av Andøya Space og representerer utdanningsdelen av konsernet. Andøya Space Education driver med romrelatert undervisning for alle målgrupper; fra barnehagebarn og skoleelever til lærere og universitetsstudenter, og har som mål å utdanne og inspirere den neste generasjonen med forskere, ingeniører og utforskere over hele verden.

    Mer informasjon?

    Kontakt prosjektleder Jøran Grande for mer informasjon om Norwegian Space Academy

  • Norwegian Space Academy

    ​​Today work began to establish a new cooperation between Norwegian and European universities based on the possibilities opened by the new European spaceport under construction at Andøya Space. The cooperation is a three-year project with the name “Norwegian Space Academy” with the goal of establishing an attractive and complementary program for universities in Norway and Europe.​

    The Norwegian parliament have pointed to the importance of facilitating for new space education programs in relation to the new spaceport under construction at Andøya. This as a part of educating the future workers of Norway’s space industry. That is the background for the 6 MNOK, three-year project.  

    Today, during her visit to Andøya Space, the leader of Nordland County Council Elin Dahlseng Eide, announced that the Nordland County Council grants 2.9 MNOK to the project. This comes on top of previous grants from Andøya Municipality and the Ministry of Education and Research. 

    – This is good news, and means that we can, together with academia and the space industry, start the work of establishing the new cooperation, says Anne Margrethe Horsrud, president of Andøya Space Education.  

    – Our goal is that the Norwegian Space Academy shall be an attractive and complementary program for Norwegian and European universities in the future, says Jøran Grande, project manager at Andøya Space Education. 

    Fylkesrådsleder Elin Dahlseng Eide og prosjektleder ved Andøya Space Jøran Grande

    About Andøya Space Education

    Andøya Space Education is a fully owned subsidiary and represents the educational part of Andøya Space. Andøya Space Education provides courses, seminars and activities within space-related subjects for kindergartens, schools and universities, and aims to inspire and educate the next generation of scientists, engineers and explorers from all over the world.

    More information

    Please contact project manager Jøran Grande

  • Mulighetsseminar på Andøya Space

    Andøya Space og SAMSKAP arrangerer mulighetsseminar på Andøya Space mandag 7. november 2022.

    Norsk romvirksomhet er en betydelig næring og har et stort potensial for videre vekst og utvikling. Stortinget har i flere stortingsmeldinger gitt klare føringer på økt satsing på romvirksomhet i årene framover. Også Hurdal-plattformen gir tydelige politiske føringer og forventninger om økt satsing på Norge som romnasjon, og Nordland fylkeskommune og Andøy kommune/SAMSKAP har space som prioritert område i sitt nærings- og utviklingsarbeid.

    Etableringen av Andøya Spaceport er et taktskifte i utviklingen av norsk romindustri. Etableringen gir mange nye muligheter for norske og internasjonale selskaper til å ta i bruk verdensrommet innenfor mange nye anvendelsesområder. Satellittbasen vil ha stor betydning for utdanning, forskning, innovasjon og oppbygging av industriell kapasitet i Norge.

    I tillegg til etableringen av satellittbasen, er SAMSKAP og Andøya Space opptatt av å presentere utviklingsmuligheter også i flere av de øvrige virksomhetsområdene i Andøya Space, – og som vil kunne gi betydelige ringvirkninger for Andøy-samfunnet, Vesterålen og Nordland.

    Seminaret samler ca 50 inviterte deltakere fra bl.a. Andøy kommune, Innovasjon Norge og Nordland fylkeskommune.

    Mer informasjon

    Ta kontakt med Samfunns- og myndighetskontakt Arne Hjalmar Hansen for mer informasjon om seminaret

  • Cooperation agreement signed between Airbus and Andøya Space Defence

    Andøya Space Defence has signed a cooperation agreement with Airbus Defence and Space for live firing training support of Air Defenders: Army, Navy and Air Forces.

    Representatives from Andøya Space Defence and Airbus signing cooperation agreement
    Andøya Space Defence and Airbus signing cooperation agreement

    Airbus Direct Target UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) will be the choice for live firing training at the unique range of Andøya in North Norway.

    The ground support infrastructure for the Airbus Target System will be integrated in Andøya and its personnel will have the capability to operate the Airbus target drones on their own or together with Airbus resources.

    – Combining the unique capabilities of Airbus and Andøya, a turnkey solution is now available. This cooperation represents a higher capability for Air Defence training, based on our innovative Direct Target UAV platform. The cooperation is a role model for the support of the worldwide Air Defence Forces, says Frank Härtel, Head of Airbus Target Systems and Services.

    – As a part of the continuous development of the range services, Andøya Space Defence has been searching for a partner to support and provide the Aerial Target Systems. Our experience over the last years is that Airbus is an ideal partner for our expansion of the services. This cooperation will greatly improve our capabilities, says Gunnar Jan Olsen, President of Andøya Space Defence.

    Airbus Defence and Space Target Services

    The Target Systems and Services department of Airbus Defence and Space provides realistic support for Air Defenders in live firing exercises. For more than 22 years Direct Aerial Target drones are produced and the cost-effective service of realistic air threat is provided in training scenarios.

    Andøya Space Defence

    Andøya Space Defence is a versatile Test Range used for a variety of missions. Andøya Space Defence is the only advanced Test and Training Range in Norway for advanced testing and is in many respects unique in Nordic waters. The range is used on a regular basis for large exercises with multinational defence task forces.

    More information

    Please contact Gunnar Jan Olsen, President of Andøya Space Defence.

  • Andøya Space og Sundt Air etablerer felles droneselskap

    Andøya Space og Sundt Air Holding går sammen om en nyetablering på dronesiden for å spisse kompetansen og øke konkurranseevnen i fremtidens marked. Det nye selskapet skal hete Tiepoint og skal eies 50/50 av Andøya Space og Sundt Air.

    – Tiepoint vil bli en sterk aktør innenfor det europeiske dronemarkedet på komplekse og avanserte droneoperasjoner med tyngre droner, sier den nye lederen, Mats Mikalsen Kristensen, som i dag er Vice President for Andøya Space Unmanned.

    Andøya Space og Sundt Air har gjennom en årrekke samarbeidet tett om forskjellige droneprosjekt innen maritim overvåkning, sertifisering og ombygging av droner. Nå tas dette samarbeidet til et nytt nivå: Andøya Space Unmanned skilles ut fra Andøya Space AS og går inn i et fellesforetak sammen med Sundt Air Holding AS.

    Vekst innen droner

    – Vi har hatt en meget god vekst på dronefeltet de siste årene, sier Ketil Olsen, administrerende direktør i Andøya Space. – For å spisse kompetansen ytterligere beholder vi nå alt av måldroner og undervisning i Andøya Space, mens den kommersielle sivile delen skilles ut og går inn i det nye foretaket med Sundt.

    – Tiepoint vil naturlig nok ha solid forankring på Andøya selv om vi rent fysisk også skal etablere oss på Geiteryggen i Skien, forteller Mats Mikalsen Kristensen. –  Dette er på ingen måte slutten på droneeventyret i Andøya Space.

    Daglig leder for Tiepoint, Mats Mikalsen Kristensen
    Mats Mikalsen Kristensen blir daglig leder for Tiepoint.

    Riktig tidspunkt for samarbeid

    Andøya Space er en ledende droneaktør og har lang erfaring med avanserte operasjoner innenfor både det sivile og militære markedet, og leverer også operativ støtte til beredskapsenheter. Sundt Air er på sin side ledende på maritim overvåkning med bemannede fly. I fremtiden er det forventet at større droner vil ta over mer og mer av denne typen overvåkning, samtidig som kravene til sertifisering av droner vil bli de samme som for fly.

    Kombinasjonen av kompetanse og kapasitet, på dronesiden fra Andøya og flyovervåkning fra Sundt Air, gjør at et felles foretak vil stå usedvanlig sterkt til å levere fremtidens løsninger for luftbåren overvåkning, kartlegging og inspeksjonstjenester.

    – Som ledende aktør innen maritim overvåkning med fly i norske og danske farvann ser vi det som strategisk viktig å inngå et samarbeid med Andøya Space for å imøtekomme dagens og morgendagens behov, sier Tor Bratli, CEO i Sundt Air. – Sundt Air og Andøya Space har som målsetting å bli en sterk og kompleks leverandør av overvåkningstjenester fra forskjellige plattformer.

    Om Sundt Air Holding

    Sundt Air Holding AS er selskap som invester i luftartsrelatere virksomheter. Selskapet er 100% eier av selskapene Sundt Air AS, Sundt Air Management AS, Sundt Air Executive Handling AS. Selskapet har også betydelige eierandeler i Pegasus Helicopter AS, Aviation Engeniering AS og Nor Aviation Eiendom AS. Datterselskapet Sundt Air ble etablert i 1997 og er et norsk selskap som driver oppdragsflyving for næringsliv, politikere og privatpersoner med fly som i hovedsak eies av selskap tilhørende norske næringslivstopper, samt kystovervåkning og inspeksjonsflyvninger med egne spesialtilpassede fly.

    Om Andøya Space

    Andøya Space er et norsk selskap innen aerospace. Selskapet setter forskere i stand til å utforske atmosfæren ved hjelp av raketter, ballonger, ubemannede fly og avanserte bakkebaserte instrumenter, og ingeniører i stand til å teste ut ny teknologi innenfor aerospace og forsvar. Andøya Space utdanner og inspirerer neste generasjon forskere og ingeniører, og arbeider nå for å etablere en europeisk oppskytningsbase for små satellitter i Norge.

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    Kontakt Tiepoint per e-post

  • Ketil Olsen is the new CEO for Andøya Space

    The board of Andøya Space has, after a thorough process, decided to appoint acting CEO Ketil Olsen to the position on a permanent basis.

    CEO of Andøya Space, Ketil Olsen.
    Ketil Olsen is now the CEO of Andøya Space

    When former CEO Odd Roger Enoksen was appointed Minister of Defense in October 2021, the then Chief Operating Officer (COO) of Andøya Space, Ketil Olsen, stepped into the role of acting CEO at short notice. The vacant position was advertised at the same time, and after a thorough process, the board has now decided to hire Olsen permanently in the position.

    – We are very pleased to announce that Ketil Olsen has agreed to continue at the helm of Andøya Space on a permanent basis, says Rasmus Sunde, chairman of the group. – We have carried out a structured and comprehensive process where several external applicants have also been considered, but concluded that Olsen is the best candidate.

    Sunde highlights both Olsen’s previous management experiences both nationally and internationally as well as the intimate knowledge of Andøya Space as a reason why the choice fell on him.

    – Olsen is an experienced leader and can point to good results both in previous positions and from his time in Andøya Space, Sunde explains. – The position requires solid abilities for communication, cooperation and the ability to keep a cool head under pressure when we are now one of the first in Europe to establish a launch base for small satellites and further develop our other business areas. We are confident that Ketil has the qualities needed to meet the company’s challenges and that he, together with the rest of the organization, will deliver the results the board expects.

    About Andøya Space

    Andøya Space is a Norwegian aerospace company. The company enable scientists to explore the atmosphere using rockets, balloons, unmanned aerial vehicles and advanced ground-based instruments. The company also enable aerospace and defence engineers to test out new technologies. Andøya Space educates and inspires the next generation of researchers and engineers, and is now working to establish a European launch base for small satellites in Norway.

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  • INNOSPACE signs an MoU with Andøya Spaceport

    Andøya Spaceport and INNOSPACE has signed a memorandum of understanding to launch into polar and sun-synchronous orbits from Norway.

    INNOSPACE was established in 2017 and is headquartered in South Korea, providing manufacturing and engineering services for aerospace and defence contractors.

    The company is developing a series of satellite launch vehicles named Hanbit.

    – This MoU with INNOSPACE shows how Andøya Spaceport is able to attract the attention of commercial companies world-wide, says Ingun Berget, President of Andøya Spaceport. – We are very excited to have INNOSPACE onboard as we move forward with the launch site construction.

    – Andoya Spaceport is really the ideal location for launches towards polar and sun-synchronous orbits, says Dr. Soojong Kim, CEO of INNOSPACE. – Selecting strategic locations around the world brings us closer to our customers.

    About Andøya Spaceport

    Andøya Spaceport is a 100 % owned subsidiary of Andøya Space, focusing on providing a launch site and related services for companies who wish to launch small satellites into polar and sun-synchronous orbits.

    More information

    For more information, please contact Ingun Berget, president, Andøya Spaceport.

  • Samarbeid i fokus under bygging av romhavnen

    Første spadetak nærmer seg. Andøya Spaceport har signert samspillkontrakt med tre entreprenører for utbyggingen på Nordmela.

    Andøya Spaceport har den siste uka signert samspillkontrakter med tre entreprenører: Sortland Entreprenør AS og Karstein Kristiansen Entreprenør AS (SEKK) og Leonhard Nilsen & Sønner AS (LNS), og sammen skal de stå for første fase av romhavn-utbyggingen på Nordmela.

    – Andøya Space vil ikke bare gi høyteknologiske arbeidsplasser knyttet til oppskytninger, sier Ketil Olsen, konstituert daglig leder for Andøya Space. – Det er også viktig for oss at romhavnprosjektet vil gi en rekke ringvirkninger i form av arbeidsplasser og verdiskapning for samfunnet ellers.

    Unikt samarbeid mellom tidligere konkurrenter

    Utbyggingen omfatter oppskytingsplattform med tilhørende konstruksjoner og fundamenter, bygg for montering, integrering og testing av raketter, samt bygg for launch og mission control som oppskytingene vil styres fra. I tillegg kommer nødvendige støttekonstruksjoner og infrastruktur.

    Sortland Entreprenør AS og Karstein Kristiansen Entreprenør AS skal sammen sørge for bygg og anleggsarbeider. SE og KK er til vanlig bedre kjent som konkurrenter, men på grunn av utbyggingens størrelse sier de det var helt naturlig å samarbeide om dette. – Sammen har vi den nødvendige kunnskapen, kapasiteten og tilstedeværelsen som skal til for å kunne levere et best mulig resultat for Andøya Space, sier Kjetil Rønning Hansen, daglig leder i KK.

    LNS skal stå for grunnarbeidene, utfylling og betongarbeidet relatert til den første oppskytningsrampen. De tre entreprenørene har fått ansvar for utbyggingens første fase. Byggingen har planlagt oppstart tidlig i 2022, og skal sørge for at bygg og anleggsarbeider ferdigstilles i tide til første oppskyting mot slutten av 2022.

    Mer informasjon

    Kontakt Andøya Spaceport

  • Andøya Space appoints Tore Østby as new CFO

    Andøya Space strengthens its executive team by selecting Tore Østby as the chief financial officer.

    Tore brings extensive leadership and strategic experience from a variety of industries to Andøya Space, says CEO Ketil Olsen. – We look forward to him joining the executive team at Andøya in these exciting times as we grow our business in several areas. A confident and experienced management team with the right mindset is vital for Andøya Space to succeed in the years ahead.

    CFO of Andøya Space, Tore Østby

    Mr. Østby has previously held positions within Norwegian Air Shuttle, Nordea Markets, Handelsbanken and Orkla, primarily working in the finance sector for the past thirty years. At Norwegian Air Shuttle he held positions such as acting CFO and executive vice president for strategic development.

    He is a certified European Financial Analyst from the NHH Norwegian School of Economics, and he also holds a Bachelor of Business Administration from Norwegian Business School BI.

    In his new role he will be reporting to CEO Ketil Olsen.

    -I am looking forward to join Andøya Space and be part of the team to develop one of the leading European spaceports and to strengthen Norway as an important space nation. I am very excited to meet all my news colleagues and contribute to building on the great history at Andøya Space, says Tore Østby

    He will join the company January 1st, 2022.

    About Andøya Space

    Andøya Space provides services to science and engineering communities worldwide and enables customers to safely test, launch, fly, research, gain new knowledge, and to create new technologies that benefits our society. Andøya Space has almost 60 years of experience in the development of payloads and sensor technologies for sounding rockets, ground-based instrumentation, unmanned aircraft and is in the process of establishing a launch site for small satellites at Andøya.

  • Ketil Olsen steps up as interim CEO for Andøya Space

    The board of Andøya Space has appointed Ketil Olsen as interim CEO of Andøya Space. He has worked as Chief Operating Officer (COO) since 2020, and starts in the new role immediately today, October 14th, 2021.

    Olsen will succeed Odd-Roger Enoksen, who has agreed to become Minister of Defence in the new Norwegian government.

    Experienced leader

    – Olsen is an experienced leader with good results from various positions in the Norwegian Department of Defence and defence staff, as well as international positions in NATO. Olsen has led tactical as well as operational and strategical military units. With experience from international service and spending almost ten years in NATO, he has gained a large network and is well familiar with the challenges and benefits of working with other nationalities, says chairman Rasmus Sunde.

    The board is very pleased that Olsen’s long and solid experience will benefit Andøya Space immediately. The company strategy stays the same as Andøya Space enters a challenging yet exciting period: Last week the company received the final ‘GO’ from the government to build a launch site for small satellites on Andøya.

    – Enoksen has had a clear vision and strategy for Andøya Space, and the investment into space, for many years, which has provided great results. The company has delivered profitable growth under the leadership of Enoksen, while at the same time successfully secured its sectorial-policy objectives. The company is well positioned to further develop this through its competent employees. The board wants to thank Odd Roger for the cooperation and his effort for the company throughout the years, and to wish him the best of luck as a minister, says chairman Sunde.

    Business as usual

    – Our focus on space will continue with local, regional, and national investment together with international actors. We will follow up on the expectations and goals put forward by the Norwegian government in the best way possible. Together we will establish and run a spaceport at the same time as we continue our work within sounding rockets, drones, space education, and test center activities, Olsen concludes.

    The Board of Director will immediately start the process of appointing a permanent CEO.

    More information

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  • Andøya Space lanserer SMS-tjeneste

    Ønsker du å få melding på SMS når veien gjennom Oksebåsen stenger eller fareområdene i sjøen utenfor Andøya Space aktiveres? Det får du nå muligheten til.

    Andøya Space lanserer denne uken to ulike tjenester for varsling på SMS: Den ene gir deg beskjed på SMS hver gang veien i Oksebåsen eller Børvågen av sikkerhetsmessige årsaker må stenges. Den andre varsler deg om aktivering av fareområder sjø.

    – Både fiskere og andre har etterspurt SMS-varsling, så dette tror vi vil bli tatt godt imot, sier Ketil Olsen, administrerende direktør ved Andøya Space. – Men hvis du er ute etter siste nytt om hva som skjer hos oss, må du se på våre nettsider og sosiale medier. SMS-tjenestene vil kun gi deg informasjon om fareområder.

    Bruk av tjenesten

    Varslingstjenesten er delt opp i to ulike abonnement: Én med informasjon om stenging av vei, og én med informasjon om fareområder sjø. Ønsker du informasjon om begge deler, må du melde deg på begge tjenestene.

    Det er gratis å motta meldinger, og Andøya Space vil varsle abonnenter på tjenesten både noen dager i forkant og når fareområdene aktiveres. I tillegg vil det bli sendt ut beskjed dersom en aktivitet er utsatt eller avlyst, og det igjen er trygt å ferdes i området.

    For å få varsler som gjelder stenging av vei, sender du en SMS med:

    Send kodeord «ANDOYASPACE SJO START» til 27222 for påmelding.
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    Kontakt Andøya Space.

    Artikkelen ble oppdatert med nye kodeord for SMS-varsling 17. september 2024.

  • Rocket Factory Augsburg secures launch site in Andøya, Norway

    Rocket Factory Augsburg (RFA) has signed a contract with Norway’s Andøya Space, securing one of the most coveted launch sites in Europe.

    “This agreement secures launch capacity to cover the first years of operation for us. We are very happy that Europe’s most advanced rocket launch complex is partnering with us. We have everything in place now from launch site, over customers to traction on the development program to get the first launch campaign going”, says Jörn Spurmann, Chief Commercial Officer of RFA. “Flexible access to space from continental Europe aids RFA in offering its customers the best and most cost-effective launch service for their payloads.”

    Illustration of future launch site at Andøya
    The future launch site at Andøya

    “A partnership with Rocket Factory is another big milestone for the European New Space Industry”, says Odd Roger Enoksen, CEO and President of Andøya Space. “We look forward to supporting their ambitious launch cadence from our spaceport. Our relationship with RFA has grown strong through the past years and we are particularly proud that RFA continues to be part of our vision to create a competitive European New Space industry.”

    “Andøya’s unique location allows us to offer a flexible, ultra-competitive launch service for orbital inclinations ranging from 87 to 108 degrees. The launch site is easily accessible within Europe and can help to strengthen our space launch industry”, Stefan Brieschenk, Chief Operational Officer of RFA added.

    Andøya Space got their zonal area approval September 2020 and have permit for 30 launches per year from their new spaceport 35 km south of the existing launch site. The spaceport’s location, 69 degrees north and above the Arctic circle on the coastline of Andøya in Nordland county has a flightpath that ensures a trajectory whose ground track does not cross populated areas. Andøya Space, provides launch pads, payload integration facilities as well as the technical infrastructure on site.

    About Andøya Space

    Andøya Space has provided launch services for sounding rockets since 1962. The company is also involved in scientific ground-based instrumentation, unmanned aircraft, space education and testing/verification of new technologies. Andøya Space is from 2022 expanding its portfolio to include a launch site for small satellites to polar and sun-synchronous orbit. Andøya Space AS is 90 % owned by The Norwegian Ministry of Trade and Fisheries.

    About RFA

    Rocket Factory was founded in 2018 by Jörn Spurmann and Stefan Brieschenk, investor Hans Steininger and German satellite company OHB SE. The goal of the start-up is to develop a launch vehicle prototype by the end of 2022, which will lift satellites into low-Earth orbit on a weekly basis at unrivalled prices. Rocket Factory aims for exponential growth in the booming New Space market. The start-up’s goal is to combine highest system performances with ultra-low-cost manufacturing and design principles. Rocket Factory will deliver satellites precisely into orbit with a unique orbital transfer vehicle, thinking space transportation from the satellite and customer point of view. The launcher will offer an end-to-end solution with its last mile delivery service. The launch vehicle combines three key competitive advantages: ultra-low-cost architecture, precise in-orbit delivery and superior propulsion technology. The start-up has established itself in Augsburg and currently has a team of 85 (as of February 2021) New Space veterans from 25 different nationalities, with a demonstrated track-record established in international launch vehicle development projects.

    For more information, visit:

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  • Isar Aerospace signs exclusive launch pad in Norway for up to 20 years

    The first fully privately-financed European launch vehicle bringing satellites into low Earth orbit, Isar Aerospace’s Spectrum rocket, will launch from Norway: Isar Aerospace has signed an agreement with Norwegian Andøya Space to secure exclusive access for a period of up to twenty years to one of its launch pads on the island Andøya.

    As a launch site operator, Andøya Space provides launch pads, payload integration facilities as well as the technical infrastructure on site.

    Illustration of the future orbital launch site at Andøya
    The future orbital launch site at Andøya

    – We are very happy and proud that we were able to secure our dedicated launch pad on Andøya, the best funded spaceport in continental Europe. The length and the exclusive nature of this agreement enables us to provide long-term turnkey launch solutions from European soil, says Daniel Metzler, CEO of Isar Aerospace. – The exclusivity provides us and, even more importantly, our clients with the greatest flexibility and planning security to bring small and medium satellites into earth’s orbit at any time with maximum flexibility and cost-efficiency.

    Given its location far north at a coastline, Andøya Space can offer launch inclinations ranging from 87.4 to 108 degrees. These are favorable for sun synchronous as well as polar orbits. The flightpath ensures a trajectory whose ground track does not cross populated areas.

    – This partnership is a big milestone for the European New Space industry as we will see the first satellite launches ever from a European start-up from European soil. We believe this is just the beginning of delivering on a global demand for launch capacities in Europe. It is with pleasure that we announce our partnership with Isar Aerospace which for us is expected to be one of the winners in this market in the coming years. We strongly believe in joint European initiatives and are proud to be part of this great space endeavor with Isar Aerospace, says Odd Roger Enoksen, CEO and President of Andøya Space.

    Andøya Space has a long history in the suborbital launch business. Since the first launch of a civilian, suborbital research rocket in 1962, around 1.200 launches of sounding rockets and long duration balloons have taken place at Andøya. The company is now in the process of establishing a new launch site on Andøya island for small and medium satellites for polar and sun-synchronous orbits.

    Image of nature on Andøya and Isar Aerospace's rocket, Spectrum

    Isar Aerospace has been developing its Spectrum launch vehicle with a payload of over 1.000 kilograms including proprietary propulsion systems. With a pragmatic engineering approach, highly automated in-house manufacturing and a simple design, Isar Aerospace will reduce the costs of each rocket launch drastically. The founder-led company ensured that almost the entire value creation is carried out in-house for maximum flexibility. The total funding amounting to more than USD 100m stems almost exclusively from European investors.

    About Isar Aerospace

    Isar Aerospace, based in Ottobrunn/Munich, develops and builds launch vehicles for transporting small and medium-sized satellites as well as satellite constellations into earth’s orbit. The company was founded in 2018 by Daniel Metzler, Josef Fleischmann and Markus Brandl. Since then, it has grown to more than 120 employees from around 30 nations with many years of hands-on rocket knowhow as well as experience within other high-tech industries. The company is privately financed by former SpaceX VP Bulent Altan as well as world-leading Venture Capital firms including Airbus Ventures, Apeiron, Earlybird, HV Capital, Lakestar, UVC Partners and Vsquared Ventures.

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    About Andøya Space

    Andøya Space has provided launch services for sounding rockets since 1962. The company is also involved in scientific ground-based instrumentation, unmanned aircraft, space education and testing/verification of new technologies. Andøya Space is from 2022 expanding its portfolio to include a launch site for small satellites. Andøya Space AS is 90% owned by The Norwegian Ministry of Trade and Fisheries.

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  • New names: Andøya Space Education and Andøya Space Defence

    To clarify who we are and what we do, we are renaming the subsidiaries NAROM and Andøya Test Center (ATC). The new names Andøya Space Education and Andøya Space Defence highlights their areas of expertise and their connection to the Andøya Space brand.

    Andøya Space Education

    Andøya Space Education represents the educational part of Andøya Space. Thousands of people are every year inspired by the educational programs we offer, and our visitor center attracts both space-interested pupils as well as tourists.

    Formerly known as NAROM, Andøya Space Education was established twenty years ago to increase recruitment to science, technology and Norwegian space activities. Although the name has been changed, we will continue as a national center to inspire and educate the next generation of scientists and engineers with mandate and funding from the Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research.

    Andøya Space Defence

    In 1997 a test center was established in connection to the sounding rocket launch site at Andøya. The area surrounding the island, and the already established technical infrastructure, enables Andøya Space Defence to perform complex tests of weapon systems.

    Andøya Space Defence will continue to offer a state-of-the-art civilian test range for military capabilities.

    The brand

    Andøya Space is leading in its field both when it comes to testing, drones, sounding rockets and space-related education. Our logo is a stamp of quality, and we will continue to deliver quality services within technology, testing and knowledge in many years to come.

    Mer informasjon

    Kontakt Andøya Space.

  • Boeing, Andøya Space Partner to Expand Norwegian, NATO Testing

    Boeing [NYSE: BA] and the Andøya Space are forming a new partnership that will support Norway’s plan to become a leading autonomous aircraft test center and establish the first dedicated spaceport for launching satellites in Europe.

    The Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) aims to expand the capability of the Andøya Space to conduct complex testing and experimentation for the Norwegian Armed Forces and NATO. The agreement will also expand the capability of the Andøya Space to provide affordable medium-launch services to new government and commercial customers throughout Europe.

    – This partnership will help Norwegian industry advance indigenous capabilities to accelerate growth in autonomous aerial systems and space launches, said Maria Laine, Boeing vice president of International Strategic Partnerships. – The scale, scope and strategic value of our collaboration opportunities, like this one with the Andøya Space, reinforces our strategic partnership with Norway and demonstrates our commitment to keeping the promises we make.

    Located on the island of Andoya in northern Norway, 300 kilometers north of the Arctic Circle, the Andoya Space is well suited for arctic testing of advanced technological systems, launched from air, sea or land. First established nearly 60 years ago, the test center is equipped with the latest of telemetry and tracking systems.

    Under the new agreement with Boeing, the test center will be expanded through the acquisition of new test bed aircraft and deployment of the Integrated Remote Sensing for the Arctic (IRSA) network. The network includes an embedded command and control system provided as a technical transfer from Boeing. The IRSA network will connect the Andoya Space to dedicated test sites in countries across the Arctic.

    – To partner with Boeing with a special focus on advanced testing and autonomous aerial systems is a major step towards our strategic goals. This agreement will greatly improve our capabilities through the acquisition of aerial platforms for test and development activities, said Gunnar Jan Olsen, CEO of Andøya Space Defence, subsidiary of Andøya Space.

    The new agreement with Andøya Space will support Boeing’s tailored industrial participation plan related to the acquisition of five P-8A Poseidon maritime patrol aircraft by the Norwegian Armed Forces in 2017.

    About Boeing

    For more information on Defense, Space & Security, visit
    Follow us on Twitter: @BoeingDefense and @BoeingSpace.

    About Andøya Space

    Andøya Space is a limited company, owned 90% by the Norwegian Ministry of Trade and Industry and Fisheries and 10% by Kongsberg Defence & Aerospace. For more information, visit


    Steve Lott
    Boeing Communications
    Office: +1 703-465-3885
    Mobile: +1 202-285-9590

    Gunnar Jan Olsen
    Andoya Space Defence
    Office: +47 76 14 44 00
    Mobile: +47 930 51680