Earth needs more space

Illustration: Andøya Space

Satellites are the eyes and ears of our planet. They provide us with information about what to watch out for, take care of, and provide communication services. We are consuming more and more “space”. We are growing, occupying, and constructing, more than what is sustainable. Earth needs more space, both in the sense of untouched nature as well as eyes and ears in space to provide us information. Norway has both. Norway has space.

Photo: Isar Aerospace/Andøya Spaceport

Your efficient, predictable, and versatile highway to space.
We aim to provide tailored spaceport facilities and solutions to meet the surging global demand, from rapid-response missions to long-term constellation deployments. As Europe’s efficient launch facility for small satellites, Andøya Spaceport is uniquely positioned to offer unmatched access to High Inclination, Polar and Sun-synchronous orbits. Together with our customers, the launch operators, we are committed to ensure safe and efficient launch solutions from Norwegian soil.

Illustration: Arup / Innovasjon Norge

As the global space industry accelerates and global demand for launch capabilities surge, we aim to offer several launch concepts, from vertical and horizontal, to mobile and sea launches. Whether it’s a long-term constellation deployment or a rapid-response mission, our dedicated team will accommodate for the optimal launch operators to provide premium launch services. Our full operating capability will host multiple launch pads and can support a variety of operators, ensuring readiness for multiple missions simultaneously.

Norway has space – Andøya Spaceport provides safe and secure access to it.

Andøya Spaceport has a strategic location ensuring efficient operations, while being uncompromising on safety. We are more than just a launch site – we’re aiming to launch the future of space missions.

Download the full brochure here.

Contact information

Ingun Berget, President
Andøya Spaceport