Han har vært på ALOMAR nesten like lenge som selve bygget, og blir av noen kalt Mr. ALOMAR. Turen opp og ned til fjellet Ramnan har han kjørt nesten hver dag siden han startet å jobbe på ALOMAR i 1996. Bli med Reidar Lyngra på jobb. Det er mandag, og Reidar Lyngra setter seg i…

  • Mr. ALOMAR

    He has been working at ALOMAR almost as long as the building itself, and drives up and down the mountain to the observatory every day. Some even call him Mr. ALOMAR, meet Reidar Lyngra. It’s Monday, and Reidar Lyngra gets in the car in Oksebåsen. He is going up to the ALOMAR Observatory. The characteristic…

  • 30 år med ALOMAR

    Hvis du har vært på Andøya når det er mørkt og klarvær, har du sikkert lagt merke til den lett gjenkjennelige grønne lysstrålen på himmelen, eller den karakteristiske åttekantede bygningen på toppen av fjellet. Det er atmosfæreforskningsobservatoriet, ALOMAR, som ligger på fjellet Ramnan på Andøya, 379 meter over havet. I år har observatoriet 30 års…

  • 30 years with ALOMAR

    If you’ve visited Andøya during winter and clear skies, you might have noticed the easily recognizable green light beams, or maybe you have seen the characteristic octagonal building at the top of the mountain. This is the ALOMAR Observatory, located on the mountain Ramnan on Andøya, 379 metres above sea level. This year marks the…

  • Alomar Observatory

    Science services and instrumentation Alomar Observatory The Alomar Observatory enables international scientists to explore all layers of the Arctic atmosphere with several lidar instruments from its vantage point on top of the Ramnan mountain at Andøya.  The observatory features an iconic and easily recognizable shape designed to minimize the effects of wind to provide an…

  • Alomar 30 years

    Celebrating the Alomar Observatory For thirty years, the Alomar Observatory, perced atop the Ramnan mountain in Andøya, Norway, have provided an unparalleled vantage point for atmospheric research. Join us in the celebration of the iconic observatory which has contributed to numerous scientific papers. We are delighted to invite you to join us as we celebrate…

  • NASA VortEx 2 klar for oppskytningskampanje

    To suborbitale forskningsraketter fra NASA er klare til oppskytning for å studere dannelsen av virvler i de øvre delene av atmosfæren. Et kombinert team fra Andøya Space og NASA Wallops Flight Facility har de siste ukene jobbet med å klargjøre to forskningsraketter for deres kommende oppskytningskampanje. – De skulle opprinnelig skytes opp i 2023, sammen…

  • NASA VortEx 2 ready for launch campaign

    Two NASA sub-orbital research rockets are ready to launch on their mission to study the formation of vortices in the upper parts of the atmosphere. A combined team from Andøya Space and NASA Wallops Flight Facility have in the last few weeks worked to prepare two sub-orbital research rockets for their upcoming launch campaign –…

  • Visit to Jungfraujoch Research station

    The importance of understanding and monitoring atmospheric physics has increased drastically in recent years due to the anthropogenic impact on climate. One crucial research field is the understanding of wind and temperature distributions in the atmosphere to enhance climate models and improve weather forecasts. Advancing atmospheric research with lidar technology Andøya Space is partner in…

  • Science services and instrumentation

    Science services and instrumentation Andøya Space Sub-Orbital is, through the “Ground-based Instrumentation” department, host and operator of a whole range of ground-based scientific instruments. Lidars, radars, magnetometers, spectrometers and photometers to mention a few.  Scientific measurement campaigns  Andøya Space Sub-Orbital provide the services and technologies that enable the science communities to explore our atmosphere and…

  • Andøya Space Sub-Orbital

    Since the very first launch on August 18th, 1962, Andøya Space Sub-Orbital has been a leading european launch provider for sounding rockets and scientific balloons. In addition the business division owns and operates the Alomar Observatory, which perform remote sensing of the Arctic atmosphere. Combined, Andøya Space Sub-Orbital offers easy access to all layers of…

  • Arbeid med ny oppskytningsrampe i rute

    Andøya Space Sub-Orbital bygger for tiden en ny oppskytingsrampe for forskningsraketter for å kunne håndtere flere oppskytninger i samme oppskytningskampanje. – Forskningsraketter har vokst i størrelse de siste årene, og vi trengte å styrke vår evne til å håndtere ikke bare det, men også flere raketter i samme oppskytingskampanje, sier Hans-Arne Eilertsen, prosjektleder for den…

  • New launch pad progressing

    Andøya Space Sub-Orbital is currently building a new launch pad for sounding rockets in order to handle multiple rocket launches in the same launch campaign. – Sounding rockets have grown in sizes in the past few years, and we needed to bolster our ability to handle not only that, but also multiple rockets in the…

  • Our portfolio

    Norwegian Space Academy Our portfolio Our portfolio complements university courses, offers training to learn how engineers and scientists work in the space sector, and organises events in close collaboration with the university sector and space industry to link academia with industry through innovation centers. The Ghost mission Design your experiment, launch it, and touch the…

  • Reaching for the clouds

    Can clouds help us improve weather forecasts and climate models? That’s what researchers from the MC2 project are trying to find out. The past month they have been conducting reasearch on mixed-phase clouds from Andøya, trying to solve one important piece of the puzzle of the role clouds play in the Earth’s climate. Clouds are…

  • Framsat-1 shake test

    Ref: https://andoyaspace.no/articles/framsat-1-shake-test-at-andoya-space Before a satellite is ready for launch it is thoroughly tested to make sure it can withstand both the rocket’s intense shaking and vibrations during launch, as well as the harsh environment of space. The first satellites to be launched from Andøya Spaceport will be several CubeSats from five institutions in Germany, Slovenia…

  • Where does the water in rain and snow come from?

    The research project ISLAS studies the water cycle in the Norwegian Sea, and where the precipitation in Norway comes from during different weather events. This spring, the ISLAS scientists made simultaneous measurements at Andøya and other locations. Isotopic Links to Atmospheric Water’s Sources (ISLAS) is a research project funded by the European Research Council that…

  • History

    Humans have always been captivated by the beautiful aurora seen in the two polar regions of Earth. There have been many hypotheses of what creates them, and the research spawned a world-leading scientific community in Norway studying the phenomenon from the ground for the past two centuries. In modern times advances in rocket technology meant…