Andøya Space has been collaborating with higher education for years, and a brand new spaceport at Andøya will open up even more opportunities in the future.

The GHOST mission
Design your experiment, launch it, and touch the near-space environment! Now this is possible by participating in the GHOST project. GHOST is a NASA suborbital rocket that will be launched from Andøya Space at the end of 2025. It will carry out student experiments from several countries, aiming to unveil the secrets of the near-space environment and perform space technology tests. Apply now if you would like to join!

Space Education 2.0
In the future, Andøya will be a key location for space activities in Europe due to the new spaceport. How can the new spaceport at Andøya open new opportunities for higher education in Norway and Europe?

Fly a Rocket!
The “Fly a Rocket!” program is a collaboration between ESA, Andøya Space Education, and the Norwegian Space Agency. The program was introduced in 2017, and is aimed at bachelor students in the beginning of their studies.

Students at university level from Norway and Canada travel to Andøya Space for a week with the aim of building and launching a student sounding rocket.
Upcoming activities
Our collaborators
Andøya Space has been an active partner in a number of courses in higher education over the years. We have amongst other organized gatherings to complement courses like “Techniques for investigating the near-earth space environment” at UiT, “Space Technology” at NTNU, “Meteorology” at UiO, “Experimental methods in Space Physics” at UiB, “Upper Atmospheric and Space Physics” at UNIS.